Fat Loss · Weight Loss

It’s In There. 💪 Just Put In The Work ! ! !

  • DIET
  • Weight Lifting
  • Sleep
  • Fasting
  • Cardio

The key to weight loss is the DIET… but there are 2 parts to it…
#1… Diet Quality
#2… Diet Quantity

It’s not that calories don’t matter.
Nutritious whole foods help satisfy hunger and provide essential vitamins and minerals the body needs.
Just cutting back on like 500 calories might help you lose weight but,
without the right foods it can make you miserable
and the big thing is its not sustainable long term.
We really need to focus on that foundational diet,
which is more vegetables, more whole foods,
less added sugar and less refined grains.

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Why Am I So Tired Today?!?!

Its not a case of the Mondays, hehe

Bad Case Of The Mondays GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Here is a list of reasons for why you probably feel tired today.

1.) You Don’t Drink Enough Fluid /Water
This is so common. Men need to drink about 13 cups per day and women 9 cups per day. All drinks count with the exception of alcohol. Yes you can include your caffeinated beverages too.

2.) You Backlog Your Calories /Calorie Timing
When people try to diet or have no idea how much food they need each day they tend to consume very little in the morning and then overload at dinner. This is a terrible strategy. It doesn’t work for weight loss because you’ll end up binge eating or over eating and you’ll feel tired during the day. Eat your calories when you need them to help you fuel your most productive times of the day.

3.) Lack of 😴 Sleep
Chronic sleep loss will make you feel tired and grouchy and effect brain functioning. Most people need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day and athletes need about 9 to 10. When you sleep more you will function better and probably get more done. Plus you’ll feel a lot better.

— M.Spano


Calories Always Count, Even if You Don’t Count Calories ðŸ˜œ

Even if you choose not to count calories, remember that calories always count 😜

Calorie counting, or macro tracking, is a tool that I found to be extremely helpful for many people over the course of my coaching career. It’s one of the main tools our Team Biolayne coaches use for clients

However, for some people, tracking calories is not something they enjoy, and feels more restrictive than using other strategies

If you don’t want to count calories one of the best strategies you can use is sticking to high satiety foods like lean proteins and vegetables. I’m not saying you can’t have carbohydrates, you can, but you should focus on lean proteins and veggies at your meals to feel fuller.

Try to make sure you limit your stacking. Really try to stick to define meal times if you can. People tend to snack and consume much more calories than they think they do. It’s easy to consume several hundred calories more than you thought without even realizing it. Snacking also tends to be more mindless than defined meals, leading to lower satiety

Regular exercise can also help with satiety because it sensitize you to satiety signals. Many people think that exercise is great for weight loss because it expends calories. Well this is true, the benefits of exercise on satiety are actually a bigger reason to do it for weight loss than energy expenditure

Try to avoid added oils and sugar. This can be a big issue when eating out. You might order a dish that you think is 500 cal, but in reality is double that just based on the sugar and oil content.

Finally, focus on your internal hunger cues. When you feel like eating food, ask yourself if you are truly hungry or are you simply eating out of boredom or habit? Many times we eat for reasons other than real hunger. Boredom, habit, societal cues, even stress can cause us to eat when we aren’t physically hungry. An internal discussion with yourself about the reason you want to eat can be a great way to determine if you really are hungry

Personally I like tracking calories because I like the freedom to eat whatever I like as long as I hit my calories and macros. However, other people hate it. You should do what works best for you


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Diet Refeeds & Breaks | Jeff Nippard

[ video ] Great info here on how to diet down and take breaks during the process.

New research and tests from this year show the best splits are…. ( run the Jeopardy Music )

5 days dieting >> 2 days cheating
** Even though it says “cheating”, it is still best to watch your calories so you don’t completely destroy your negative deficit from the previous 5 days. Its still a lot about Calories In and Calories Out.

diet 2 weeks on …. 2 weeks off
(of course this depends on your time you have. I personally would do 2 weeks on and 1 week off for faster results.)

And of course eat healthy clean food because a calorie of crap
is not the same as a calorie of clean/healthy food.

This is also the schedule i will be running in the 2021 fall months. ZING!

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My Super Weight Loss Checklist

  • Do wake up around the same time every day
  • Do get a minimal of 7-8 hours of sleep per night
  • Do drink 24oz of water when you wake up (jump starts the body)
    • you can add these things to help the liver and fat loss
      • lemon juice
      • vinegar
      • capsaicin
  • Do Fasted cardio
  • Do take an hour and a half(1 1/2) nap (90 minutes is a full sleep cycle and activates an extra dose of GH and Testosterone)
  • Don’t eat before 11am (fasting is good for GH and Testosterone)
  • Do eat 5 meals (more meals increases metabolism)
    • 11am
    • 2pm
    • 5pm
    • 7pm
    • 8:45pm
  • Do eat baseline calories (calculate the daily calories here) or below if you are trying to lose
  • Do eat small meals
  • Don’t eat after 9pm (this gives you a 14 hour fasting window before your next meal at 11am in the morning. Great for the body and longevity)
  • Do drink 16oz of water 1 hour before bed
  • Do go to bed around the same time every night.
    • 10pm is the perfect bedtime (body repairs body 10p-2a, repairs mind 2a-6a)
  • Do eat healthy, organic, and natural
  • Do get between 15g – 40g of protein per meal.
  • Do get in 3 or more weight lifting sessions in per week.
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Push & Pull Workout

2 Days on, 1 Day Off. Alternate push and pull routines.

By separating your body parts by function, you’re able to hit the gym more often because, presumably, the muscles you’re working that day aren’t screaming for momma. Also, by splitting a total body workout into two, you’re simply forced to go to the gym more often.

Doing so logically increases your physical fitness and burns some extra calories along the way.

PUSH Upper + Elbow Flexor
– DB Press
– Incline Press
– Overhead Press
– Deltoids Raise
– Dips
– Rope Extentions

PULL Lower
– Deadlift
– Leg Curls
– Romainian Deadlift
– Hip Abductors
– Cleans
– Shrugs

A. PULL Upper + Biceps
– Pullups
– Band Pull to Face
– DB Rows
– Bicep Curls
– Prone
– Rope/Cable Raises

A. PUSH Lower
– Squats
– Step-ups
– Split squats / Lunges
– Leg Extentions
– BB Glute Bridge
– Heavy Calf Raises