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Challenge Yourself 💪🧠

“If you don’t challenge yourself,
you don’t know yourself.”

As Tony says below…
“The moment we stop challenging our selves is the moment we stop growing.
When we stop growing… we start dying.”
Wow! What a bold statement, but so true.
Never stop Challenging yourself to be more. To be better. To grow higher.

You have to push your own limits to see what your full potential is. If you don’t go beyond your “comfort zone”, you don’t learn new things about your character.

Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Relationships · Thinking Positive

Are You Offended or Do You Have an Ego Problem?

Those who accept constructive criticism will grow stronger. Those who don’t will let their ego drag them down into failure. Choose wisely!

“If someone corrects you, and you feel offended, then you have an ego problem.”

– M.McConaughey

Here are a couple ways removing the ego and accepting the constructive criticism can help you….

Increases insight and perspective:

First of all, criticism helps to give us a new perspective and opens our eyes to things we may have overlooked or never considered. Whether it’s a peer review of your work or a performance review, constructive criticism and feedback can help you grow by shedding light and giving you the opportunity for improvement. Just remember, it’s important that you don’t take criticism so personally, it’s meant to help you learn and grow and is not an attack on your skills or character.

Creates bonds:

Criticism is especially beneficial at work because it shows that your managers and peers care about you and want to see you succeed. Receiving feedback, whether it’s positive or negative, is a good thing because it just goes to show that your peers are invested in your future and they want to help you learn. Rather than letting you fail and replacing you, these people feel that you’re the right person for the job and they want you on their team. With a little bit of guidance, you will be an even better fit for your position and learn a thing or two along the way.

Cultivates a trustworthy workplace:

In an environment where people are able to share feedback and constructive criticism, everyone is a winner. Creating a transparent, collaborative atmosphere at work gives us all the opportunities to become better workers and people. With feedback and input from our peers and managers we are able to learn and expand our horizons while creating trusting relationships with others. Most importantly, an open environment like this allows us to be proactive and share our input without putting people’s personal feelings in jeopardy.

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You Can’t Do Everything – And If You Try, You Won’t Do Anything Well

If you do move from one shiny object to another, you’ll slowly discover a fundamental truth.
Chaos. Disunity. Lack of direction.

We live in an age of distraction. Never-ending notifications, instantaneous communication, and easy access to endless information. Fear of missing out moves us motivates us to try to do everything that our minds and hearts desire. Keep your phone on the table so that you can instantly check the super-important messages that come in every 7 minutes. Walk to work so fast you overtake peaceful joggers. Tell your mama you’ll definitely visit next week. Oh, and, God forbid you don’t have 18 certificates on your Linkedin page and five urgent projects to attend to. The list goes on and on.

Having a lot of irons in the fire may sound like a smart plan, but given the distractions of technology and communications, it is easier than ever to fall victim to the temptations of trying to do too many things – and accomplishing none of them.

In comes Steve Jobs 30% Rule:

“We examined the future product roadmap. Not the products we’re shipping today, the future product line. And what we found was that 30% of them were incredibly good, and about 70% of them were either ‘pretty good’ or things that we didn’t really need to be doing. Businesses we didn’t really need to be in.”

Focus on the 30% of ‘incredibly good’ stuff in your life.

Just ask yourself:

  • If you had to end 70% of your relationships, which would they be?
  • If you had to quit 70% of your projects, which ones would you choose?
  • If you had to cut your time off by 70%, what would you leave?

Just by honestly answering these questions you can identify more clearly which parts of your life deliver the most value.

Minimalism begins with elimination — once you get rid of the stuff that slows you down, you can start replacing it with stuff that helps you grow. The hard part is being able to let go of things that are ‘pretty good’ in your life — perhaps even things you’ve grown to love.

Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

An Obstacle Is Often a Stepping Stone 🪐🪐🪐

“An Obstacle Is Often a Stepping Stone.”

–William Prescott

We all aim high in life and we all face obstacles in achieving what we desire. Life is not easy; it is a mixture of success and failure, trial and error, ups and downs and good times and bad times. Life is not stagnant and is always moving, one has to constantly learn to adapt to new things and changes in life and in this process have to face many difficulties and problems to make it perfect and rewarding. Many people consider these obstacles as problems in achieving their desired goals and try to run away from them or fear to tackle them. They find it easy to avoid them rather than face them, because fear of new things is a normal human emotion.

But is it the right way to do so. People need to understand that obstacles are part of life and facing them will help them to become stronger individuals and help them grow. In other words, obstacles are often a stepping stone. Now what do I mean by this, Obstacle is another chance to look at the situation in another way or perspective, When we face a problem or obstacle we try and look out for ways to tackle it, we try out new initiatives and strategies which would resolve the problem. In the process, we become more active, thoughtful and our willpower is also boosted as we want to tackle the problem and achieve what we desire.

So how can you see that problems or obstacles in life are not negative aspects, they are a way to make you more efficient and tactful in life. It is only the way we think and perceives things that makes a situation difficult or negative. If we view obstacles as another opportunity to conquer our fears and problems, negative thoughts will never cross our minds. We just have to remember that nothing is impossible in this world, if we believe in ourselves, our beliefs and positive aspects we can overcome any situation in life. We should perceive these obstacles as challenges and thrive to conquer them with our willpower. Accepting the challenge of an obstacle is the beginning of a new process of how to succeed despite facing odd situations. It is the opportunity to plan, analysis and executes new ways to attain success and perfection in one’s life. Don’t be afraid to face these obstacles as they will help you grow and flourish into a more mature and powerful individual. You can also be role models for those who fear obstacles and given in to them. You can be the motivating power of such individuals who can learn from you to overcome problems and negative situations in their lives.

Sometimes you never know while trying to tackle problems and obstacles in life you learn new skills and knowledge which can be helpful in the future. So don’t run away from obstacles, face them and overcome them to emerge as leaders in life.

— P.Bush

Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

You’re Not a Tree 🌳🌳 – Change

If You Don’t Like How Things Are,
Change It! You’re Not a Tree 🌳🌳

–Jim Rohn

We have been granted the abilities of choice and change. You deserve to live a life full of more happiness and joy. Find what will make you happy, in all the areas of your life, and start working towards that. If you are fully committed to finding more happiness and joy in your life, tough decisions of change must be made. The essence of life is growth; do whatever is necessary to ensure your continual growth.

Positive Stories

Help Fruit Grow Everywhere

When you eat fruit, do not throw seeds in the garbage pipeline. Wash and dry them. Put them in a box and leave it in the car. When you are on the way, throw through the window in places where there are no trees. Nature will take care of them itself.

In Asian countries, this practice has existed for centuries. That’s why now their fruits grow everywhere. ♥️♥️

#seeds #fruitseeds
Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

Living An Amazing Life, Means Taking More Risks

“Without risk, growth is impossible.”

— Mike Hyatt

Leaders who break records, launching new product lines, and beat impossible odds don’t let fear of failure keep them from achieving success. And you shouldn’t either.

Failure is something to be learned from, not feared. Choose to take chances, make mistakes, and learn from them in order to really grow.
Life moves, even when you’re trying to avoid change. Step forward so you determine the direction you’ll go.
Practice taking small risks to minimize your fear of ‘bad’ outcomes. You’ll find courage to embrace bigger risks when the time comes.

Take intentional, focused risks to achieve the life you want to live.

Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

Winning or Learning

We’re either winning or learning. It’s not winning or losing, it’s winning or learning.

john calipari

Everybody makes mistakes or experiences that something bad happens now and then. But how do you react to the challenging things that happen to you? Very often you do have a choice. You can either let it pull you down, or you can think that this is something you learn from. Next time something challenging happens you’ll be even stronger. 

We challenge you to think differently the next time something challenging happens to you. Consider it a gift! If we don’t experience any difficulties in our life, we will not grow.