Less Stress · Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

When It Hurts, Observe 🔍

“When it hurts, observe. Life is trying to teach you something.”

Hurt makes us stronger. If we hit the ground hard like a ball, we bounce back higher than before. But this happens only if you are determined and courageous. If you decide to remain on the floor nothing is going to happen. Then life will not be able to teach us anything.

And then, there comes a time, when we no longer feel that gut wrenching pain. We realize that pain isn’t only about that feeling of uneasiness or heaviness in the heart. Rather, it is a beautiful lesson of tenacity and strength.

Amidst the chaos of suffering, listening silently and patiently,
the lyrics of the hurt is the key we often tend to lose.

Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

The Biggest Communication Problem 🗣👂

The biggest communication problem is, we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply.

Becoming an effective communicator is a dynamic process and lifetime pursuit. There is much, much more to active listening and to the many other skills that will help you provide the correct feedback and to communicate effectively with other people.

Active listening builds strong relationships and, while it may not come naturally to many of us, it’s an invaluable communication skill. Becoming an excellent listener will take determination and practice and it will be well worth it in both your professional and personal life.

Here are some tips to help improve your active listening skills:

  1. Avoid External and Internal Distractions
  2. Listen to the Content and Context of Their Words
  3. Maintain Eye Contact
  4. Be Mindful of Your Body Language
  5. Watch for Emotion
  6. Be Okay With Silence
  7. Use Verbal Encouragement
  8. Ask Open-Ended Questions for Clarity
  9. Provide Affirmation
Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

There is a Solution

Don’t take no for an answer.
Address the negatives
& come up with new solutions.

Everybody needs to solve problems every day. But we’re not born with the skills we need to do this – we have to develop them.

When you’re solving problems, it’s good to be able to:

  • listen and think calmly
  • consider options and respect other people’s opinions and needs
  • negotiate and work with others for quicker resolutions
General Life Tips · Less Stress · Motivation · Productivity · Relationships · Thinking Positive

LIFE AREAS ::: Relationships

Relationships nurture, fulfill and support us.

>> Nurturing Special Relationships
1. challenge/opportunity _ 2. person’s perspective _ 3. good qualities _ 4. successful relationships _ 5. Discussion with person

>> Deal with Energy-Draining Relationships
1. what drains me _ 2. short/long term will sort out _ 3. how could i act differently _ 4. what i could say _ 5. reduce time with person

>> Meet New People
1. target shyness _ 2. be out going _ 3. initiate conversation _ 4. invite people out _ 5. go out _ 6. be open/say yes

>> Unhelpful Relationship Beliefs
be aware of bad beliefs you have of someone, and brain storm for more helpful ones

>> Communication Better
be more open, trusting, appreciative. work on managing anger, listen more, criticize less

>> Handling Conflict
1. Express my self clearly _ 2. stay rational _ 3. understand other person _ 4. clarify _ 5. ask for what i want _ 6. apologize

>> Being more independent or assertive
1. take responsibility _ 2. rely on yourself _ 3. say NO nicely __ 4. live without others approval

>> Getting Help
use books, therapy, ect…