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Native American Indian Spirituality Laws | Nothing Happens for No Reason

There are four Native American Indian Spirituality Laws that say nothing happens for no reason in life. When you do understand this, it’s very easy to handle and you confidently look at what’s happening, thankful for what was there and happy for what’s going to happen.

The 1st law says:

′′The person you meet is the right one.′′

That is, no one comes into our lives by accident, all the people around us who interact with us, stand for something, either to educate us or to help us in our situation.

The 2nd law says:

′′What happens is the only thing that can happen.′′

Nothing but absolutely nothing of what happens to us could have been different. Not even the most insignificant detail. There just isn’t ′′ If I had done it differently… It would have been different…” No, what happens is the only thing that can happen and needs to happen, so we can learn our lessons to get ahead. Everything, yes, every situation that happens to us in life is absolutely perfect, even when our spirit resists our ego and doesn’t want to accept it.

The 3rd law says:

′′Every moment when something starts is the right time.′′

Everything starts at the right time, not sooner or later. When we are ready for something new in our life, it’s already there to begin with.

The 4th law says:

′′What’s over is over.′′

It’s that simple. When something ends in our life, it serves our development. That’s why it’s better to let go and move forward, bestowed on the experiences that have now been gained.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you’re reading this here. If this text meets you today, it’s because you meet the conditions and understand that no rain drop anywhere in the world accidentally falls in the wrong place.

Let it go well…

Love with your whole being…

Being happy without end…

Every day is a happy, happy day.


I Am.

You Are.

We Are.


Less Stress · Life Funnies · Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Relationships · Thinking Positive

Advice from a Pickle 🥒🥒🥒

Advice from a Pickle

  • Life can be hard sometimes. Dill with it.
  • Relish every moment you share with those you love.
  • The door to happiness is always ajar.
  • If you want life to be sweet, you have to know what sour tastes like, too.
  • Remember, life is never a dill moment.
  • Don’t worry, in the end, everything will be just brine.
Life Funnies · Motivation · Thinking Positive

It’s OK to Fall Apart Sometimes 🌮🌮🌮

“It’s okay to fall apart sometimes.
Tacos fall apart and we still love them.”

This is so simple, yet exquisitely complex and profound. Underneath the pain is the knowledge we are: resilient, adaptable and capable of surviving. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.

We can be hard on ourselves, believing we contributed to our life falling apart. Whilst you’re a co-creator in the experience, it is essential for your personal evolution and had to take place as it did. So when it seems your life is falling apart, look to the future. For in the ruins of the past is a signpost pointing you to something wonderful. Accept your current conditions and stop resisting the flow of life.

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You Can’t Do Everything – And If You Try, You Won’t Do Anything Well

If you do move from one shiny object to another, you’ll slowly discover a fundamental truth.
Chaos. Disunity. Lack of direction.

We live in an age of distraction. Never-ending notifications, instantaneous communication, and easy access to endless information. Fear of missing out moves us motivates us to try to do everything that our minds and hearts desire. Keep your phone on the table so that you can instantly check the super-important messages that come in every 7 minutes. Walk to work so fast you overtake peaceful joggers. Tell your mama you’ll definitely visit next week. Oh, and, God forbid you don’t have 18 certificates on your Linkedin page and five urgent projects to attend to. The list goes on and on.

Having a lot of irons in the fire may sound like a smart plan, but given the distractions of technology and communications, it is easier than ever to fall victim to the temptations of trying to do too many things – and accomplishing none of them.

In comes Steve Jobs 30% Rule:

“We examined the future product roadmap. Not the products we’re shipping today, the future product line. And what we found was that 30% of them were incredibly good, and about 70% of them were either ‘pretty good’ or things that we didn’t really need to be doing. Businesses we didn’t really need to be in.”

Focus on the 30% of ‘incredibly good’ stuff in your life.

Just ask yourself:

  • If you had to end 70% of your relationships, which would they be?
  • If you had to quit 70% of your projects, which ones would you choose?
  • If you had to cut your time off by 70%, what would you leave?

Just by honestly answering these questions you can identify more clearly which parts of your life deliver the most value.

Minimalism begins with elimination — once you get rid of the stuff that slows you down, you can start replacing it with stuff that helps you grow. The hard part is being able to let go of things that are ‘pretty good’ in your life — perhaps even things you’ve grown to love.

Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Relationships · Thinking Positive

The Mess is Part of Being Whole

Behind every seemingly perfect person, there’s a mess you can’t see.

🌿 A clear side and a messed up side.
🌿 A bright side and a dark side.
🌿 A perfect and an imperfect.
🌿 Two sides coming together to complete WHOLENESS.
🌿 Two sides that are dependent on each other, that need each other… in order to be WHOLE.  ☯️
💖 Welcome and Love both 💖

Less Stress · Motivation · Thinking Positive

You Are Worthy

It’s time for you to take your power back. All faith is a choice. All beliefs are voluntary. You can decide to be your number one fan, and actively, intentionally build yourself up. You can support yourself from the inside out. In fact, you have to. No one else is going to be your champion — because no one can.

Remind yourself daily, hourly, or minute-by-minute on especially challenging days:

Only you get to decide what you are worth. Only you get to decide how you deserve to be treated by others. Only you decide what is possible for you.

Decide today: You are worthy of love and respect. You are capable of great things. You are a good, smart, strong person. Make those statements your mantra. Believe they are so. Act as if they are so. And watch as the world rises to meet YOU.

— L.M.Bobby

For The Kids

Children Learn What They Live 👶👧👱‍♂️

In an age where we have increasing numbers of children who are anxious, depressed, addicted and suicidal, wouldn’t it be nice if the kids learned that the future is amazing and that, indeed, the world is a nice place in which to live with good people. Society, it’s time to stand up and be the positive & loving teacher.

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.

If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
It did if children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn Justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those around them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.