Fat Loss · Nutrition · Weight Loss

How Much are You Spending on Protein?

Include are a few comparisons of cost for 30 g of protein from different protein rich foods. These prices are per USDA data and as recent as last week. Some of the cheapest prices on a few unique protein products including veggie burgers and tofu.

Remember your goals… fat loss, muscle gain, weight gain. These are a huge factor in when selecting the right proteins for you.
And also keep in mind the macros you have to consume to get that protein… fats and carbs.

— credit mspano

Fasting · Fat Loss · Keto /Low Carb · Nutrition · Weight Loss

Overweight >> It’s Because YOU Eat Too Much / Too Many Calories 👀🤷‍♂️

why people love to demonize specific foods or groups of foods. 🧐

Much of this boils down to the fact that people do not want to take personal responsibility for their choices. 🤷🏼‍♂️

It’s much easier to blame specific foods or food groups for our obesity problem because it removes personal responsibility. “It wasn’t overeating, it was because food manufacturers make processed foods!” Ok but there are tons of people who eat processed foods & don’t become obese 🤷🏼‍♂️. In fact, calorie per calorie sugar is no more fattening than other carbohydrates or dietary fat (PMID: 9094871 & 27900447)

Seed oils made ya fat? Na. If you eat a ton of them sure, because they contain a lot of calories, but they are no more fattening Calorie for Calorie compared to other calorie sources (PMID: 22166754) 🤷🏼‍♂️

Processed foods make you fat? Sure but only because people tend to overeat them because they aren’t satiating. But this is a calorie effect, not because they are inherently fattening (PMID: 31105044)

At the end of the day, limiting your processed food intake, or sugar intake, or fat intake, may be helpful for many individuals to lose weight, but that’s not because those foods are inherently fattening, it’s because people eat too much overall 🤷🏼‍♂️

Now some foods are practically very difficult to overeat on like lean proteins and vegetables, so eating them makes a lot of sense. But it’s not independent of calories.

Data>Your feelings


Nutrition · Weight Loss

The King, The Prince, The Beggar to be Healthier & Thinner 👑🤴🧎💪

Its About Calories In / Calories Out & of course, Clean Food

You’ve been hearing for years…
> Eat breakfast like a king
>> Lunch like a prince
>>> Dinner like a beggar
…you can be healthier and thinner.

Yes, there is research to show that people eating a large breakfast and small dinner lose weight faster than those eating a small breakfast and large dinner.

But there’s also research showing the exact opposite – that people who eat larger meals later in the day lose weight faster and retain more muscle when they’re dieting.

Both methods can work. So it’s up to you to choose the one that fits your lifestyle.

Personally, I much prefer to eat more of my calories (particularly carbohydrate) towards the end of the day.

It’s an eating pattern I’ve become fond of over the years, for the following reasons:

1. Eating a carbohydrate-rich meal at night helps me relax, and tends to make me feel sleepy. This is exactly what I want when I’m ready to hit the sack, and not what I want in the morning.

2. I hate going to bed hungry, or waking up in the middle of the night with a stomach that feels emptier than a hermit’s address book.

3. Eating a light breakfast, or even skipping it altogether, makes me more productive and alert than normal. I usually get a lot more done in the morning than I do in the afternoon after I’ve had something to eat.

4. Eating a larger meal at night means I can sit down and eat a regular meal like everyone else. I don’t have to ban myself from going out to a restaurant because the “rules” say I’m not allowed to eat a big meal at night.

As long as you adhere to a few basic dietary guidelines, the way you distribute your calories over the course of the day is down to personal preference. It won’t have a great deal of impact on your results one way or the other.

The calorie number is the big thing until you get down to a low BF%


What’s your Opinion?


Food Duped – Know Your Ingredients & Serving Sizes

Don’t Be Duped By The Claims on The Front:
Front labels are often used to lure people into buying products. However, most of these labels are highly misleading or downright false.

Look At The Ingredients List:
Ingredients are listed by quantity, from highest to lowest. Try looking for products that list whole foods as the first three ingredients, and be skeptical of foods with long lists of ingredients.

Watch Out For Serving Sizes:
Serving sizes listed on packaging may be misleading and unrealistic. Manufacturers often list a much smaller amount than most people eat as a single serving.

Misleading Labeling Claims:
There are many words that people link with improved health. These are often used to mislead consumers into thinking that unhealthy processed food is actually good for you.

Different Names for Sugar:
Sugar goes by many names in ingredient lists, many of which you may not recognize. These include cane sugar, invert sugar, corn sweetener, dextran, molasses, malt syrup, maltose and evaporated cane juice.

Always Choose Whole Foods Whenever Possible:
Obviously, the best way to avoid being misled by these labels is to avoid processed foods altogether. However, if you decide to buy packaged foods, it is necessary to sort out the junk from the higher quality products. Keep in mind that whole food doesn’t need an ingredients list, because the whole food IS the ingredient.

Muscle Building · Nutrition · Recovery · Supplements



  • 8 oz. unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 scoop unflavored or vanilla flavored whey protein (amount depends on body weight)
  • 1/2 cup frozen or fresh pineapple (add ice if using fresh pinapple)

Add all ingredients in order, blend and enjoy!

Nutrition Benefits:
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which may promote healing after training.

200 cals | 21 carbs | 5 fat | 20 protein

Nutrition · Weight Loss

Becoming Disciplined with Eating

Diet & Nutrition :::
Perhaps one of the most difficult things in the human race
is becoming disciplined enough to try to really hold back
on arguably the greatest social activity … EATING.

To have better self-control with food is layered and complex. It’s often rooted in the fear of fatness, and layered in physical restriction (not eating enough or allowing satisfying fun foods in), and/or emotional restriction (allowing the food in, but feel guilty for doing so). The above, requires a lot of unlearning, and Re-Learning, so go easy on yourself, it takes time to change habits.

A good place to start on how to have better self-control with food,
is to check in with your expectations of yourself.

Write out what your perfect day of eating might look like,
from the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to bed.


Stress & Food Cravings

When you are chronically stressed out your brain 🧠 may seek tasty high calorie foods. These foods temporarily calm down the brain. But, this food reward-seeking pattern rewires your brain circuits and engrains this habit of reaching for non-nutritious, high calorie, tasty foods during times of stress.

Though acute stress can decrease a person’s appetite, chronic stress is associated with an increased drive to eat, lack of dietary restraint, increased hunger and binge eating. In addition, chronic stress do you need to decrease, increase in sedentary behavior and poor sleep.

A few great stress management techniques include developing good coping mechanisms, incorporating mindful exercises such as Tai Chi or yoga, using meditation and deep breathing exercises, and getting outside in sunlight away from technology.

Also consider setting yourself up for healthy habits:

  • keeping nutritious food options readily available
  • getting plenty of sleep
  • sitting down to eat without feeling rushed.

How do you cope with stress and food cravings?

— M.Spano


Super Healthy Homemade Ice Cream 🍦

Here is a fabulous recipe showing how to make your own ice-cream alternative out of frozen bananas! Pure Yumminess!!! Makes a great healthy summertime snack or dessert for the whole family!

Tip #1 >>> If your bananas aren’t ripe enough (brown and spotty) then you can put them in the oven at 350F, skins on, for about 10-ish minutes or until brown and voila! Sweet bananas without having to wait.

Tip #2 >>> If your ice cream is freezing too hard (and you can’t turn up your freezer) try adding more milk and letting it thaw for a few minutes before eating.