Motivation · Movement · Productivity

To feel More Energized πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Walk the stairs rather than drinking caffeine β˜•

In aΒ new study published in the journal Physiology and Behavior, researchers at the University of Georgia’s College of Education found that 10 minutes of walking stairs was more likely to make participants feel more energized than drinking caffeine coffee or soda.

For the study, participants on separate days either ingested capsules containing caffeine or a placebo, or spent 10 minutes walking up and down stairs-about 30 floors total-at a low-intensity pace.

Neither caffeine nor exercise caused large improvements in attention or memory, but stair walking was associated with a small increase in motivation for work.

Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

Do Not Wait to Grow Wings… LEAP

There is no hack that will make up for a lack of work. PERIOD!

Some of y’all use β€˜perfectionism’ and constant pursuit of the β€˜perfect time’ to do something difficult… as nothing more than a cover for not doing the work. You don’t even start or do consistent work because you claim you just want to make sure everything you do is β€˜at the perfect time’. Let me tell you something… perfect is BULLSHIT. Nothing is perfect. EVER. The perfect time is whatever gets you to apply consistent effort. Whatever that looks like
No one ever drastically changed their life by hyper fixating on doing things β€˜perfectly’
They made a DECISION and STICK to it.
It all start with a decision!

When it gets hard… KEEP GOING!
When it seems like nothing is working… KEEP GOING!
No matter how imperfect things might seem. No matter how frustrated you are. No matter how much pain you are in. No matter how much you want to give in.. KEEP GOING!

The right time is RIGHT NOW.
Over-planning has killed more dreams than failure ever could

Do not wait to grow wings… LEAP
and grow wings on the way down ❀️


Less Stress · Motivation · Productivity · Thinking Positive

Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are πŸ™

Life can throw us all kinds of different curveballs. Stress can manifest from anywhere. However, it’s up to us to keep ourselves above the waves of stress. Focusing too much on our stress means that we’re not focusing enough on the good things in our lives. And we have so many good things! Even when life seems like it can’t possibly get worse, there’s always a silver lining, and there’s always something positive to look towards.

  1. Focus on what you can control
  2. What do you fear?
  3. Focus on your influence
  4. Learn to problem-solve
  5. Positive affirmations
General Life Tips · Less Stress · Motivation · Positive Stories · Quotes · Relationships · Thinking Positive

Native American Indian Spirituality Laws | Nothing Happens for No Reason

There are four Native American Indian Spirituality Laws that say nothing happens for no reason in life. When you do understand this, it’s very easy to handle and you confidently look at what’s happening, thankful for what was there and happy for what’s going to happen.

The 1st law says:

β€²β€²The person you meet is the right one.β€²β€²

That is, no one comes into our lives by accident, all the people around us who interact with us, stand for something, either to educate us or to help us in our situation.

The 2nd law says:

β€²β€²What happens is the only thing that can happen.β€²β€²

Nothing but absolutely nothing of what happens to us could have been different. Not even the most insignificant detail. There just isn’t β€²β€² If I had done it differently… It would have been different…” No, what happens is the only thing that can happen and needs to happen, so we can learn our lessons to get ahead. Everything, yes, every situation that happens to us in life is absolutely perfect, even when our spirit resists our ego and doesn’t want to accept it.

The 3rd law says:

β€²β€²Every moment when something starts is the right time.β€²β€²

Everything starts at the right time, not sooner or later. When we are ready for something new in our life, it’s already there to begin with.

The 4th law says:

β€²β€²What’s over is over.β€²β€²

It’s that simple. When something ends in our life, it serves our development. That’s why it’s better to let go and move forward, bestowed on the experiences that have now been gained.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that you’re reading this here. If this text meets you today, it’s because you meet the conditions and understand that no rain drop anywhere in the world accidentally falls in the wrong place.

Let it go well…

Love with your whole being…

Being happy without end…

Every day is a happy, happy day.


I Am.

You Are.

We Are.


Less Stress · Life Funnies · Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Relationships · Thinking Positive

Advice from a Pickle πŸ₯’πŸ₯’πŸ₯’

Advice from a Pickle

  • Life can be hard sometimes. Dill with it.
  • Relish every moment you share with those you love.
  • The door to happiness is always ajar.
  • If you want life to be sweet, you have to know what sour tastes like, too.
  • Remember, life is never a dill moment.
  • Don’t worry, in the end, everything will be just brine.