
7 ½ is PERFECT 😴😴😴

For most adults, 7 to 8 hours a night appears to be the best amount of 😴 sleep. 7 ½ is PERFECT ! !

— Get AT LEAST 7 hours per night

— Develop a good sleep schedule

—— For example (1030pm – 530am)

*** Also depends on your activity level. As the more active you are the more sleep you will need to help your body recover.

Less Stress · Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive

Complaining Does Not Work as a Strategy

Why complain about yesterday,
when you can make a better tomorrow
by making the most of today?

At the end of the day what we all want is to be happy. I think Randy Pausch describes it best in his talk “The Last Lecture” when he says: “If you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you’d be surprised by how well things can work out… Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won’t make us happier.”

What will make us happy is feeling grateful for the lessons we have learned from the past, while staying firmly focused on moving ourselves forward into the future. Having that attitude, more than anything else, will give us our best tomorrow.

Muscle Building · Night · Nutrition · Sleep · Supplements · Testosterone · Timing · Weight Loss · Workouts

Protein Before Bed Equals More Muscle … Regards Science

Imagine that you can build muscle while you are sleeping. That would be awesome, right ? Researchers from the Netherlands claim that a protein shake before bed will speed up the process of skeletal muscle building and regeneration.

During a 3 month study, scientists from Maastricht University, Netherlands studied 44 fit men. Half of the subjects were given a protein shake right before they went to bed (30g of casein and 15 of carbohydrates). The other half of the subjects were given a placebo. All of the subjects followed an intense weightlifting routine as a part of a wider training program.

At the end of the study, both groups were able to lift (squat) heavier weights, but in the group that consumed casein, the increase in strength and especially size was way more significant. At the same time the subjects didn’t gain a significant amount of body fat, even though they were consuming additional calories.

In fact it appears that the casein stimulates the body to burn fat more effectively.

According to Dr Snijders this might be happening because “casein ingestion reduces the insulin response to subsequent meals, which pushes your body to use more fat.”

Additionally Dr Snijders says that : “It has been consistently shown that pre-sleep protein ingestion has no effect on sleep onset latency or sleep quality”.

Morning · Muscle Building · Night · Post-Workout · Timing · Weight Loss · Workouts

Muscle Building Diet Plan for a Woman

>> 1/2 cup of oats
>> 1 TBSP of Peanut Butter
>> 1 1/2 Scoops of Protein

>> 5oz of Ground Turkey
>> Salad /Greens(spinach)
>> Handful of Tomatoes
>> **If still hungry… Handful of Nuts

>> 5oz of Ground Turkey
>> Greens or Broccoli
>> Whole wheat wrap or Potatoes
>> **If still hungry… Handful of Nuts

Morning Snack
>> Protein Bar (at least 20g of protein)

Evening Snack
>> 6oz Plain Greek Yogurt
>> Handful of Nuts
>> Medium Apple

Night Snack
>> 2-3 Spoonfuls of Cottage Cheese
>> Handful of Nuts

Post Workout
>> 1 Scoop of Protein

Daily Water Intake
>> 4-5 … 20oz Glasses at Work
>> 1 1/2 … 20oz During Workout
>> 2 … 20oz Glasses in the Evening

Extras / Caffeine
>> 3 Cups of Coffee
>> 2 Cups of Herbal Tea

by anna p

General Life Tips · Muscle Building · Timing · Weekly · Weight Lifting · Workouts

When Should You Increase The Amount Of Weight You Lift during your Workouts?

To continue gaining muscle as you get stronger, you should perform more reps and then add heavier weights.
Here is a simple example of how you can keep improving during your workouts and making gainz in the gym.

Week 1: 3 Sets of 8 Reps

Week 2: 3 Sets of 9 Reps

Week 3: 3 Sets of 10 Reps

*** Week 4: 3 Sets of 8 Reps + 5lbs (Add More Weight)

Of course, this approach won’t last indefinitely. You’ll still encounter training plateaus along the way. When that happens, you will have to get more creative and use more advanced training principles. But for building your base, there’s no substitute for having reasonable expectations, setting achievable goals, and getting in your reps.

Less Stress · Morning · Night · Productivity · Recovery · Sleep · Timing · Workouts

The Sleep School – Secrets of the Day for Perfect Sleep

7:30 am
Open your curtains as soon as you wake up, says Linda Geddes, author of Chasing the Sun: The New Science of Sunlight and How it Shapes Our Bodies and Minds. “Get that flash of light into your eyes as soon as possible,” she says. “The cells on the back of your eyes connect to your body’s master clock in your brain.” This acts as a daily reset that helps him know when it’s time to fall asleep at night, she says.
8:30 AM
After getting dressed, leave your bedroom for the day. The brain builds associations between places and activities, so working in bed can cause your mind to race when you try to fall asleep at night. This is an important lesson in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia, which, according to a meta-analysis from 2015, has been shown to help increase the quantity and quality of sleep.
12:00 PM / NOON
Have your last cup of coffee around noon. Caffeine has a half-life of about six hours; If you have a coffee at 3 p.m., half of the caffeine will still be in your system by 9 p.m.
1:00 PM
Have your main meal around lunchtime, says The Sleep Council. Eating a large meal just before bed can cause discomfort and indigestion.

5:00 PM
People who exercise regularly fall asleep faster and sleep longer, according to a 2012 review. But not too close to bedtime: vigorous exercise within 90 minutes of sleep can make falling asleep difficult.
6:30 PM
Alcohol also has a huge impact on sleep. So if you want to have a glass of wine, it’s best to have it in the early evening.
7:30 PM
Lower the light levels in your home to signal your brain that it’s evening.
9:00 PM
Open a window in your bedroom to make sure the air is cool when you go to bed. A 2012 study found that warming up participants caused them to wake up more at night and reduce the amount of time they slept.
9.30 PM
Try a warm bath or shower an hour or two before bed. The rapid drop in temperature when leaving the bath simulates the natural drop in body heat at night. A 2019 meta-analysis found that a 10-minute bath had positive effects on sleep quality.
10.30 PM
Go to sleep between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM; According to a study published this week, people with this bedtime had the lowest risk of heart problems.

Less Stress · Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive · Timing

The Right Direction

Lack Of TIME Is Not The Reason People Are Unsuccessful.

The problem with the majority of people is that they never try anything new, they settle for the job and life that they have fell into, most peoples lives were not designed by them, they just moved in the direction that they were told to go in, or the way they thought was the best option at that point in their life, and have become comfortable living a life that does not bring forth their greatness. Well I have some excellent news for you, you can design the life that you want to live, starting today, right at this moment take full control of your life and get on a new path, it is never too late to live life on a new level and head in a new direction, it does not matter where you currently are, you can reach greater heights in life.

You must become aware that everyone at the top was once at the bottom, every professional was once an amateur. The way the successful people went from the bottom to the top is by taking massive action in the right direction. As you continue moving forward the path becomes clearer, the road ahead that seemed dark is filled with light as you make positive strides in the pursuit of a greater life.

I used to tell myself while working in an average job that there must be more for me to do, I can do more than what I am currently doing, I know that there is more that I can offer the world. I took the first step in search of doing more with my life and in turn have become more and achieved more.

You will never know how far you can go if you don’t try, let me help instil some belief in you, if I can do it, so can you, we are the ones who hold ourselves back by looking at things as they are, not as they could be.

A new day brings a new chance to start over again, resolve to live life at a new level, make this your year that you choose to push yourself and realize your true potential. For how long do people want to remain like the mediocre people doing the same things day after day. If you want to see changes take place, make some changes in your life, engage in the things that matter.

If you don’t do anything different then life will be the same forever, if you want to make changes invest in self-education and personal development, develop yourself from within, true success is not what is on the outside, it is what is within you.

The path of the majority is the easy path, it doesn’t require much effort, the path of a life lived on your terms is one that takes constant hard work and dedication. The path ahead may seem overwhelming at first, but don’t worry you will grow into your goals and develop into a greater individual. A new life requires a new you, the old you has to be eradicated. If you don’t take action their will be no outcome and don’t worry failure, as failure is a step forward, failure is the stepping stone to success.

It is never too late to get started on your dreams, your dreams are still possible, so get up and push yourself to be among the greats who strived to become more and impact the world with your gifts that have been given to you, you have the seed of greatness within you, go to work on your goals, and your goals will go to work on you, go to work on your plans, and your plans will go to work on you. Set sail on a new direction and live your dreams, if others have done it, so can you, anything is possible with hard work and dedication.

asad meah