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Why Am I So Tired Today?!?!

Its not a case of the Mondays, hehe

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Here is a list of reasons for why you probably feel tired today.

1.) You Don’t Drink Enough Fluid /Water
This is so common. Men need to drink about 13 cups per day and women 9 cups per day. All drinks count with the exception of alcohol. Yes you can include your caffeinated beverages too.

2.) You Backlog Your Calories /Calorie Timing
When people try to diet or have no idea how much food they need each day they tend to consume very little in the morning and then overload at dinner. This is a terrible strategy. It doesn’t work for weight loss because you’ll end up binge eating or over eating and you’ll feel tired during the day. Eat your calories when you need them to help you fuel your most productive times of the day.

3.) Lack of 😴 Sleep
Chronic sleep loss will make you feel tired and grouchy and effect brain functioning. Most people need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day and athletes need about 9 to 10. When you sleep more you will function better and probably get more done. Plus you’ll feel a lot better.

— M.Spano

Motivation · Nutrition · Weight Loss · Workouts

How did Bob lose the weight?

How did Bob lose the weight?

Bob stayed hungry. A Lot!

Bob ate broccoli when Bob really wanted cookies

Bob exercised even though Bob was tired, or it was raining, or Bob just didn’t feel like it.

Bob learned that special occasions are not an excuse to overeat.

When Bob slipped up, Bob pulled his self together and got right back on track.

Bob didn’t shy away from the scale.

In Short: There is NO TRICK or SECRET to becoming fit – just a hell of a lot of hard work and heartache.

Do you have what it takes?

Less Stress · Motivation · Productivity · Quotes · Thinking Positive · Weight Loss · Workouts

Tired Mind or Tired Body?

Being tired is a state of mind
more than a state of body.

Pauline Nordin

Resistance comes up all the time in life, and not just with exercise. It’s there when you have to do things you are not excited about. By sitting with the feeling, you discover you can do much more than you thought.

Whenever you have this feeling now, you can focus on the growth it can bring you. That it can help you be who you want to be. That it can eventually get you to the summit. And the satisfaction that comes with it is one of the best feelings in the world.